Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Chicken Nuggets In Disguise!

For me the most memorable occasion I have as a child dealing with fast food would have to be eating it after church. Mostly everyone knows children can get restless after sitting and standing for an hour during mass. My grandmother avoided having to hear my sister’s and my whining by promising that if we were quiet we would get McDonalds after church. Sure enough she would keep her word, after most Sunday’s our patience would be rewarded with chicken mcnuggets. Another instance when I can remember eating fast food as a child is when my mom would pick up my sister an I from school, which was very rare. After picking us up she would take us to a very small hamburger place in Santa Barbara, called Chubbies, since it was our favorite. Fast food also worked as cheering up food for me. After going to the doctor’s office and being poked and examined my mom would also take me to Jack in the Box to make my day a little better. Once I think about it I can say fast food use to be a treat for me and not at all part of daily life. It did not play a big role in my childhood since I never thought about it much. On the occasions in which I did go out to eat fast food at such a place like McDonalds, I remember I would always get chicken mcnuggets and fries. Mostly every place I went out to eat it was between chicken nuggets or cheeseburgers.

As you grow up you are suppose to get wiser and have a larger capacity to understand the things others tell you. In this sense I feel that instead of learning and moving forward I have back tracked from my childhood. Fast food now makes a much larger part of my daily life. Although I know it is very unhealthy it has just become part of a weekly routine. I now love fast food because it is less of a hassle to go through a drive thru than actually stay at home and cook myself something to eat. Yes this makes me sound lazy but then again in today’s world who puts themselves through eating at home every single day. I am now trying to stay away or at least cut down from all the burgers, pizza, chicken nuggets, and fries but sometimes I go out to eat without thinking about it. I would say I use to eat fast food every single day at least once a day but now I eat fast food two to three times a week. To me fast food makes me feel sluggish after consuming it which makes it not worth eating it at all. The only advantage to fast food I guess can be found in the title itself. It brings you no nutritional value but it gives you the gift of saving you time that can be better used in other ways. Throughout all these years fast food has crept into my life more and more but I hope to put an end to it soon.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

All About Me!

      Well where do I start? I guess I'll start by saying my name is Fabiola Zavala and I was born in Santa Barbara, Ca. I was born on August 7, 1991 at the Santa Barbara Cottage Hospital. A weird fact about me is when I was born I was born the color purple because I was born late. My family is quite small and made up of my mom, Ana, my dad, Jose, and my sister, Milagros. I am the baby of my family which made growing up a lot easier and very fun. I lived in Santa Barbara until the age of ten and since then I have lived in Oxnard. Growing up in Santa Barbara I can say was a big difference than living here by a distinct difference in people and environment. At the beginning I thought moving to Oxnard was a curse but now I absolutely love it.
       As for my present I am currently attending Oxnard College and am on the right path to transfer to USC in the Fall of 2011. Right now I enjoy going to the beach as I always have and hanging out with my friends in my spare time. I do not currently have a job but I am looking to start working very soon. My personality is very laid back and I would say my worst quality is procrastination. Although I always get my work done I will admit I tend to procrastinate. I feel that to get something done right I have to be under the pressure of time for it to come out in the best way possible. In a sense my procrastinating is both a curse and a gift.
       In the future I hope to transfer to USC and enter in their five year architecture program. Once I complete this program I will recieve my Bachelors of Science Degree and be ready to start a professional career in architecture. I have decided to be an architect since the third grade and since then there has been little doubt in my mind that I should be anything other than that. My dream job is to design roller coasters since it ties the two things I love most. These two things are my love for roller coasters and architecture. Finally I would also like to learn to surf since it would give me more time to spend at the beach and I can enjoy Southern California's beautiful weather.