Saturday, August 28, 2010

All About Me!

      Well where do I start? I guess I'll start by saying my name is Fabiola Zavala and I was born in Santa Barbara, Ca. I was born on August 7, 1991 at the Santa Barbara Cottage Hospital. A weird fact about me is when I was born I was born the color purple because I was born late. My family is quite small and made up of my mom, Ana, my dad, Jose, and my sister, Milagros. I am the baby of my family which made growing up a lot easier and very fun. I lived in Santa Barbara until the age of ten and since then I have lived in Oxnard. Growing up in Santa Barbara I can say was a big difference than living here by a distinct difference in people and environment. At the beginning I thought moving to Oxnard was a curse but now I absolutely love it.
       As for my present I am currently attending Oxnard College and am on the right path to transfer to USC in the Fall of 2011. Right now I enjoy going to the beach as I always have and hanging out with my friends in my spare time. I do not currently have a job but I am looking to start working very soon. My personality is very laid back and I would say my worst quality is procrastination. Although I always get my work done I will admit I tend to procrastinate. I feel that to get something done right I have to be under the pressure of time for it to come out in the best way possible. In a sense my procrastinating is both a curse and a gift.
       In the future I hope to transfer to USC and enter in their five year architecture program. Once I complete this program I will recieve my Bachelors of Science Degree and be ready to start a professional career in architecture. I have decided to be an architect since the third grade and since then there has been little doubt in my mind that I should be anything other than that. My dream job is to design roller coasters since it ties the two things I love most. These two things are my love for roller coasters and architecture. Finally I would also like to learn to surf since it would give me more time to spend at the beach and I can enjoy Southern California's beautiful weather.


  1. I'm the same way, I also tend to procrastinate a lot.

  2. You should design a roller coaster that I'd actually get on! then you can stop complaining that I have never gone on one
