Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Who Said Love Had Rules?

When it comes to same-sex marriage many people aren’t afraid to voice their opinion. In most cases it is because they are against it and find it to be unconstitutional. People are afraid of change and allowing same-sex couples to get married is a big step in our society. In my opinion everyone should be able to be happy in the way they see best fits them. We all have the right to the pursuit of happiness but why is that right taken away from same-sex couples? Their happiness might come from being married to the person of the same sex that they love, yet they can’t legally be “with them.” The divorce rate is increasing rapidly and this is between heterosexual couples. If it is not working out between heterosexual couples, same-sex couples should also be given the opportunity to  get married and see if maybe their marriage can work.
One of the main points people use in their opposition of same-sex marriage is religion. If supposedly God made a woman to be with a man and he also created everything and everyone wouldn’t that mean that he also made gay people and the issue of should they be allowed to marry each other? Nobody really knows what God is thinking; therefore they should not come out and speak for him/her. All the obstacles they put for same-sex couples to get married just make it that much more obvious that they should be allowed to marry the person they love regardless of their gender. They speak and fight for what they believe and if they are willing to stand against all odds just to be together then they have earned their right to a happy marriage. If someone is willing to do everything in their power to be together they should be allowed, who is it really hurting?


  1. i dont mind people of same sex getting married if they really want to. i just dont believe they should be able to have kids.

  2. I think same sex couples should be able to get married AND adopt children. The laws of adoption are rigorous anyways, they would not send children to an unhealthy couple. People cant help who they are or fall in love with. Many people are closed minded and unaccepting and I feel that is wrong.

  3. Religion is always what they seem to throw out there I completely agree.

  4. People always do bad things in the name of god like its going to justify it, poor god.

  5. well said! People should have their freedom of rights

  6. i think you did a great job of sharing your opinion on this topic without being obnoxious. hard to do for some people, but you did so well :)

  7. I think same sex marriage should be legal. If the church really isn't tied to the state, then whats the big deal?

  8. I don't know. Maybe the whole nation should take a vote and majority will win?

  9. Fabiola,
    A very well written piece...you hit several key points, and all without sounding self rightous, or obnoxious...hard to do on a topic like this....but I agree with you for the most part...Only God knows what He is thinking....I say, live and let live.....I may not understand the gay/same-sex lifestyle, but I will respect them as they respect me...and in today's world, I'd rather have a loving couple, gay or straight, living next to me, than a hateful, bigot anyday.....peace
